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(Resolved) Gar3th13134 +Prank


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My friend stephan aka Crimson_Music was recently griefed when I checked the broken blocks I found that they were broken by Gar3th13134. Crimson also lost about 58 Iron blocks, 63 redstone blocks, a diamond axe, hoe, and pick, 15 jungle leaves, and 3 gold blocks. which I'm guessing that Gar3th took those too but I cant prove who took the items cause I dont know how to see chest logs. 




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Now, I do believe that this was Gareth's little brother who did this as he has access to the account and is a bit of a dick. The real Gareth is a great guy and would never do something like this, so judge accordingly.

well judging by the fact that the real gareth is unable to get on for several weeks due to travel its gonna have to be his brother doing this.

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