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Forum updates 12/8/13 and new skin!


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Wow .. with a few tweaks, Villain could easily replace the main theme. I'm not used to IPB's preset skinning conventions. A single style override with PHP and CSS would resolve everything... I'm just a little short on spare time. The jQuery they use for the animations on Villain lack Easing. I employed easing on the new wabuf.com design (always a WIP). Just make a light-themed option for those of us in lighter rooms (not me) and it'll be complete!


We'll see how Starbound turns out. I really like it so far and I haven't played very much yet. I was thinking of gifting it to the winner(s) of the next architectural competition. I have a good amount of YouTube funds set aside for competition winnings and such.

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Yeah more than likely, just duplicate Villain and recolor everything. May as well use existing resources and at the same time, unify some sort of appearance. And branding at the top. If the skin allows, a few extra links (back to TCR homepage, YouTube, etc.) would be nice. Otherwise, I'll hack in like I did on the default skin.


After we call things complete, I'll probably still screw around with a few things like making a custom icon-theme or extra event animations / prefetch transitions, etc.

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Yeah more than likely, just duplicate Villain and recolor everything. May as well use existing resources and at the same time, unify some sort of appearance. And branding at the top. If the skin allows, a few extra links (back to TCR homepage, YouTube, etc.) would be nice. Otherwise, I'll hack in like I did on the default skin.


After we call things complete, I'll probably still screw around with a few things like making a custom icon-theme or extra event animations / prefetch transitions, etc.


Sounds good, it should feel like vBulletin was with the templates. forum home and header I believe are the two you'd probably mess with the most.

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I'll probably get rid of that paintbrush icon at the top that changes the theme's background. It's causing nearly 3 seconds of page-load lag when it calculates variables... and that's too much. We're already at an average page-load of 2.88 seconds due to the sloppy PHP/jQuery variables that IPB wrote. Don't mean to bash--after all, they do this for a living--but it's sloppy because the jQuery is generated in sporadic areas. If they kept one jQuery file and one set of variables, they'd be in good shape and probably under 1 second appended to average page-load.


I'll replace the paintbrush functionality with that of a light => dark theme toggle button once they're finished.


Currently hashing out a flicker issue related to the background-switching functionality.

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Fixed the flicker issue! Was quite an ordeal, but I eventually found out that both IPB and the creators of the skin used their own (dated) version of jQuery. So I wiped the skin's include and rewrote their JS to match IPB's version. Took too long...
Also added a fading effect on the top banner that is override-able when moused over. Should be unbreakable now that I included .stop() commands. No more breaking the animation queue by mouse-over spamming it!


$(window).on('scroll', function() {
		var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
			elementOffset = $('#mainContent').offset().top,
			distance = (elementOffset - scrollTop);
			dimAmount = "0.65";
		if(distance < 50){
			$('#branding').animate({ "opacity": dimAmount }), 1600;
			$('#branding').mouseenter(function(){ $(this).stop(); $(this).animate({ "opacity": "1.0" }), 800; });
			$('#branding').mouseleave(function(){ $(this).stop(); $(this).animate({ "opacity": dimAmount }), 1600; });
			$('#branding').animate({ "opacity": "1.0" }), 800;
			$('#branding').mouseenter(function(){ $(this).stop(); $(this).css({ "opacity": "1.0" }); });
			$('#branding').mouseleave(function(){ $(this).stop(); $(this).css({ "opacity": "1.0" }); });




Everything should load a bit faster.
Also fancified our 404 page a smidge: 404

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