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Hey guys how's it goin? How's the weather? Because I'm in the middle of the worst blizzard since 2003 where I live. The wind gusts are up to 170km/h and we've received somewhere around 60 cm of snow, and it's still blowin' and snowin'. Surprisingly though I haven't lost my power yet but uh that's still a possibility as the winds aren't supposed to diminish until tomorrow (Friday) night and there's still snow to come. Here's a video from Nova Scotia just showing what it's like in the maritimes where I live in general, it's pretty crazy.



And here's a pic from the start of the storm, wasn't as bad at the start because once it really got going you couldn't even see the tree out my window because the visibility was extremely poor also, the roads were shutdown to everyone because the police just couldn't get to people, anyways this is the only picture I have of the storm I'll update it once it's light out again but here's the view from my window when it started blowing and snowing.







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Sounds like Ohio about a week ago .. for the last 5 months... o _ o

A blustery -16F with -45F wind chill at 35-45 mph was our worst day and I worked outside the entire day.


A friend of my family lives in Canada and posted this to his Facebook:


Frankie gives the forecast for the Nova Scotia and PEI region. Just when I began to wonder whether this guy was for real, I went to the YouTube comments and people are all like, "Thanks Frankie!" xD

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Update: This is the final picture related to this storm I'll be posting, but here's a pcture showing approximately the amount that is all over the Island (just from this storm! all of the other snow from the winter melted before we got this storm, thank god), supposed to get another storm this weekend though! Picture courtesy of my local radio station's facebook. 


PS: This is in the middle of the road to our airport here.

Damn Dude..jpg

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Hello again, just thought I'd post here instead of starting a new thread but um, guess what? Another blizzard tonight into tomorrow! Woop! Woop! NOT! I haven't been to school since last Tuesday and can't believe I'm saying this but I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL! WHY CAN'T IT STOP SNOWING!!!! I'm honestly hoping this storm doesn't happen so school won't actually be cancelled tomorrow but seeing as it has started in Nova Scotia already... looks like I'm screwed :/ Wish me luck in returning to my education lol.

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