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Minecraft on Nexus 10!?


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Why yes, I believe it can be done...




After writing the Google Nexus 10 tablet review, I wondered if it had any possibilities in the realm of gaming. The question (sort of a challenge) was posed to see if I could get Minecraft to work on my tablet. Technically speaking, my tablet is both running and not running Minecraft. My Android tablet does not have Java or any framework compatible with Minecraft, but I set up TeamViewer for remote control of my Mac from the Nexus. TeamViewer is a lot like Goto My PC, but free for non-commercial use. I opted for quality over speed because both devices are powerful and on a quick, wireless-N connection.


Everything looks great, right? Well, all you can do is look around and punch stuff .. no movement, nothing else. This is because of the lack of a physical keyboard. I can enable a keyboard overlay in the above view, but pressing any of the WSAD keys do nothing...


Welp, got it to 'technically' work!


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