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Server Update - May 14, 2011 - 1.5_01


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----- NOTE -----

We have been using Group Manager for quite a while now, and its also been unsupported (meaning that the developer doesn't update it anymore) for quite a while. so I've been thinking that its time to move on to a more supported plugin ( Permissions). Permissions does the exact same thing, however its not as user-friendly to the admins.


So expect some permissions/groups to not work right away, but i will be working on it!


MESSAGE TO ADMINS!: to promote people, literally just do "/promote (name)" there is also "/demote (name)"

----- NOTE -----[/b]



Ive updated the main server software, as well as added a few plugins and (soon!) im gonna update some plugins that could use updating


So far, this is what has been done


- Updated to Bukkit version 766

- Added plugins:

- Backup ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-b ... -766.9871/ )

- Display-name Changer ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/chat-f ... 740.13253/)

- Honeypot ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-ho ... -677.9153/ )

- Reporter ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-g ... 766.17179/ )

- Seasons ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-m ... 766.15183/ )

- Messagechanger ( http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-m ... ost-220359 )


Backup - Admin only

What this does, is just takes our entire server root folder (all of the world folder + plugins ) and puts it in a zip file with a date format as its name. Backups occur every 4 hours, and it will store up to 84 backups (thats 2 weeks worth of backups)


Displayname Changer - Donators +

This is a plugin that lets you change your display name using /rename (name) (new name)

EX. /rename zoathewind Paul. <--- new name IS case sensitive


Honeypot - Admins only

Lets admins set a "honeypot" (something that could be worth griefing) that sets off an alarm to admins that someone tried to break the honeypot


Reporter - Everyone

This is probably my favorite out of all of the new plugins i added. it lets you submit a report to admins using /report (name) (details)

(name) = the offender, or person in question

(details) a brief description of what happened (you can use spaces in this!)


Seasons - Misc

This just lets me set artificial "seasons". i can make a 'rainy' season that has a set percentage of rain, or a 'dry' season, that has a lower percentage of rain <-- added as an experiment :D


Message Changer - Owners

This just lets me change some of the server messages you can receive while NOT ingame, such as the kick/banned message


SOON i will be updating permissions to give some more control to admins + more donator perks. may also add more commands for normal members, who knows.

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The Do's and Do Nots of Reporting



- report people griefing

- report people breaking rules

- report people wanting to join if an admin isn't on, and you need to leave



- send a report because you have something stupid to say

- send a report because you don't like someone

- send a million reports because apparently one "just isn't enough", one is plenty



- send a report if a permission is broken

- send a report if there are any semi-major problems



with the new update, there are bound to be commands you cant use due to whatever reason, you CAN report that

just do "/reoprt (YOUR USERNAME) and then a small sentance on whats wrong


/report zoathewind i cant use /spawn

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I believe we should begin requiring forum membership to be an in-game member. That way, it is implied that they read (or at least briefly skimmed) these important, fundamental topics and don't ask too many questions in-game.


We may be able to use this new 'Permissions' plugin switch as a segue to getting everyone registered on here. Is it too much to ask for people to spend 40 seconds to register on here, post a small bio in a welcome thread and go on their merry way!?

I think we'd be a much tighter community if we all frequented this forum. As far as people like Sarge well, they just won't be getting a membership if they refuse this simple task. This would also cut out a TON of grief!

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I believe we should begin requiring forum membership to be an in-game member. That way, it is implied that they read (or at least briefly skimmed) these important, fundamental topics and don't ask too many questions in-game.


We may be able to use this new 'Permissions' plugin switch as a segue to getting everyone registered on here. Is it too much to ask for people to spend 40 seconds to register on here, post a small bio in a welcome thread and go on their merry way!?

I think we'd be a much tighter community if we all frequented this forum. As far as people like Sarge well, they just won't be getting a membership if they refuse this simple task. This would also cut out a TON of grief!

i agree, but i can just see it now


"can i be a member?"

"go register on the forums with your username, and ill promote you"

".... really? ive been here for X amount of time, do i REALLY need to do that?


"fuck that *log out*"


i do think it would help form a better community though

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