Mythil Posted March 13, 2012 Share Posted March 13, 2012 TO GET INTRODUCED TO STARCRAFT Expansion pack to soon be released: Introduction on how to play aka a tutorial: Husky, the guy I was talking about. Bonus: There are three races: Protoss (aliens), Terran (humans), Zerg (more aliens) Protoss overview: Terran overview: Zerg overview: I play protoss, just because. -------------------------- Gametypes: There are three main types of playstyles: Story (the main storyline) Ladder (competitive play against other people, where you get a rank) Custom Games (mods on maps or personal games with your friends) Laddering consists of 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and free-for-all. Once you play 5 ladder games, you will be given a rank and a division. Free-for-all is unranked. The ranks go from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Masters, and Grandmasters. Don't expect to go Grandmasters instantly. It take dedication. Custom games are pretty fun, since there are so many mods out there. They can be conveniently found in the game already, so you don't need to install them or buy them. Some custom games: Desert strike: One of the most popular games. Auir chef: This is hilarious at times Starjeweled: Bejeweled except starcraft ------------------ Professional introduction: People play this game professionally, so if you are good enough you can win lots of money lol Of course you will have to have super fast moving hands: This is now your life line for almost all professional tournaments. Live streams from pro players are on the right along with the tournament streams! Note that most professionals that are really good are Korean. The few tournaments that are like the World Cup of soccer and the Olympics are called NASL: North American Starcraft League IPL: GSL: Global Star League MLG: Major League Gaming ------------------------------ How do you get pro? Watch the pros. This guy is a caster and is one of the best people to watch to learn stuff: Also hilarious at times: The show is on every Monday-Thursday at 7 oclock Pacific Time Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 13, 2012 Author Share Posted March 13, 2012 If you ever want to watch people play for teh lulz, recommended: Destiny: Lately not as awesome. This playlist is the best playlist. Catz: Is awesome. Stream has decent music and is a fun personality Dragon: Korean with broken English, but is hilarious when not playing srsly. NUKE PARTY Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coastercraze Posted March 14, 2012 Share Posted March 14, 2012 Should have been titled Starcraft II for Dummahs! Just for the nostalgic factor. (Credits: Wabuf) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 14, 2012 Author Share Posted March 14, 2012 It is titled that. o 3o jkjk Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 15, 2012 Share Posted March 15, 2012 Thanks for the advice and things to view and understand. But, I'm stuck choosing my race. The Terrans are just red necks in space with team spirit cough* copy of Halo Wars. So, it's either the Protons (Protoss ) or the Zergs. Zergs are cool because I don't think I need to be an uber pro. but the Protoss are cool too, because....well they just look cool and have super awesome tech. So does one have a better defense than the other? Or better attack for that matter Thanks Gansta434 aka: that dummy EDIT: there is NO WAY i'll type that fast Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 15, 2012 Author Share Posted March 15, 2012 Haha, you mean that Halo Wars was copied off Starcraft marines that were copied of Warhammer Marines. All the races are rather good, but I'll give you a rundown. Zerg - Has lower health units (mostly) than any other race. They naturally regenerate health over time, or queens (one of the units) can heal them. Roaches (one of the more basic units) can regenerate really quickly by burrowing (hiding underground). Since zerg units are cheap to make and are made relatively quick, the general playstyle is to overwhelm the opponent with waves of attacks, denying the opponent to get more resources and to go on the offensive. Zerg structures cannot be built on anything but creep (the purple stuff on the ground), except two of the basic buildings. All units are produced from the hatchery, which is the main building. The main building creates larva, which can be used to build units. If you do not have any larva, you won't be able to create units. ------------------------------------------ Protoss - They have shields and health, where shields regenerate rapidly over time when the unit is not in combat, but cannot regenerate health. Protoss units have slightly larger health than most units and cost a lot of resources, making every single one extremely valuable. This means that Protoss cannot throw away units like the zerg can. Protoss buildings have to be built around pylons (the blue crystal things). These power the buildings. If the pylon is destroyed, the building will lose power and you cannot create any units or research upgrades from them. One of the advantages of protoss is that they can warp in units, instead of waiting for a build time. It is a reactionary race, meaning that Protoss players need to build the units that counter the enemy's units. ----------------------------------------- Terran - There are two types of terran units: mechanical and biological. The biological units can be healed only by medivacs (the white flying ships) and the mechanical can only be healed by being repaired by SCVs (the basic worker unit). Terran biological units can sacrifice their own health to do damage faster for a limited amount of time. Terrans can build anywhere they please and they also can lift buildings into the air. Terran gameplay allow a huge diversity of units that can be built out of the three main structures. They are the most adaptable race, being able to switch what units that needed to be built. A lot of people complain about Terran being "Overpowered" since their basic unit is the Marine, which can shoot air units and ground units and also is a ranged unit. If you have further questions just ask. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fatt_matt Posted March 15, 2012 Share Posted March 15, 2012 Damn I love Starcraft, I've been playing since 1999 and I still suck. I didn't realize a the zerg expansion was already coming out soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CloudLogic Posted March 15, 2012 Share Posted March 15, 2012 SC2? Really? GET OUT OF HERE! LoL is more fun for me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 15, 2012 Share Posted March 15, 2012 ok thanks mythill. I'll watch a bunch of husky videos and decide which race I want to be. I can't believe Halo would do this to me but it's kind of believable. They do have a lot of those units. Banshee, Cyclops, Marine, etc.. Zerg looks like fun but you will probably lose against the more advanced players. I think Protoss has the chunk republic advantage. Because when I ask sombodys race, they always say Protess here. And again Terran are just rednecks and space so Protess might be the race I want to chose IDK I'll watch some Husky videos! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 15, 2012 Author Share Posted March 15, 2012 @ Cloud LOL I lol at you playing LoL. I prefer controlling an army instead of just a person. @gansta Play the game to get a feel of all the races. After that you can decide. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fatt_matt Posted March 16, 2012 Share Posted March 16, 2012 I've always been somewhat partial to the Terrans(because I like some good old nuking) and the Zerg( love to zerg rush). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 17, 2012 Share Posted March 17, 2012 MYTHIL it's buying time. sooo as you know the zerg expansion is coming up. So should I wait for that expansion?(do i need wings of liberty for this expansion because I'm not paying 120$ EVER!) If I get the expansion can I play against wings of liberty players? Are you expanding plz answer. thanks Gansta434 aka: that noob Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 17, 2012 Author Share Posted March 17, 2012 Okay so you need to get Wings of Liberty first. Expansion will cost 30 ish dollars, possibly more in the UK. Or you can wait for the expansion to come out (after may 15 sometime) aka late this year probably. Honestly its not a bad deal, since its like buying Assassins Creed II and then Brotherhood for a bit cheaper. Plus I think Starcraft is cheaper now, $50 on Amazon. Throw in a coupon and you have a really good game for cheap. The expansion pack wont change much, but will increase the number of different units you can make along with a new campaign mode. If you play Call of Duty, this is cheaper than buying a game per year. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 17, 2012 Author Share Posted March 17, 2012 Bonus: Red Bull LAN is going on this weekend: ... #starcraft Along with Lone Star Clash: If you're bored, you can check those out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 17, 2012 Share Posted March 17, 2012 Sounds good I'll get Wings of Liberty now and then wait a bit longer for Zerg Expansion (2-4 months later if it's not extremely popular, and I like the game.If it's so popular no one play wings of liberty :like black ops and MW3: Ill most likely get it sooner) so I think that's all I need help on thanks gansta434 aka: less of a noob EDIT: 64 views on this one topic...I bet most of them are mine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 17, 2012 Author Share Posted March 17, 2012 Actually, EVERYONE will most likely update when Heart of the Swarm, the expansion, comes out. I know I will Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 18, 2012 Share Posted March 18, 2012 it's black ops all over again *flashback* Black Ops had just come out and after that game I had given up on the call of duty series. so I decided to get BF3 like a boss, but none of my friends bought the game. Everyone had bought MW3. I even pre ordered BF3 but still everyone got MW3. Even though I personally think BF3 is like 30 times better then call of duty. But since no one bought BF3 it wasn't that much fun anyways I'm not finding any race better then other one so I might learn them all and just randomly choose my race in the beginning of a multiplayer game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 18, 2012 Author Share Posted March 18, 2012 Well, expansion packs come out every 3 years or so, so you shouldn't worry about the Call of Duty franchise madness. You bought the game already? Play the campaign to get a feel on the controls. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 18, 2012 Share Posted March 18, 2012 Don't have the game yet Amazon shipping remember 3-27-2012 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 18, 2012 Share Posted March 18, 2012 Oh btw everyone (if they want to) can go ahead and give me their username so I can be their friends Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fatt_matt Posted March 19, 2012 Share Posted March 19, 2012 I don't play too much because I have so many games, but mine is Fattmatt. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 19, 2012 Author Share Posted March 19, 2012 Mythil Character Code : 905 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 20, 2012 Share Posted March 20, 2012 it's starcraft time! (this forum was a lot more in depth then expected) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mythil Posted March 20, 2012 Author Share Posted March 20, 2012 lol, just no one but me posts in it a lot... Sometimes it feels like I'm spamming. >.> <.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canga Posted March 20, 2012 Share Posted March 20, 2012 Mythil I got a really cool probe head skin and your zealot body skin I want to mash them both up so It actually looks like a legit probe (the rest of the probe body is just dark skin) check out my new post for more info Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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