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U.H. #2 Pretalk Planning


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Alright guys, we have some new people wanting to play, so we should post our skype emails, right?


Also, are we going to stick to ingots or nuggets?


Supply drops will be ready? If supply drops are on, then the entire metagame shifts.

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Skype Username: voluxvos (Jake Symons)


I liked the nuggets because it prolonged the game and made it so that it was more enjoyable, but the ingots made it so you were extremely careful and it took courage to take a risk.

I can't decide between those.

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Imma try to be there, but you know my timezone. :D


EDIT: BTW my skype is jonas_grooss

like i said to wabuf last week, we should make the event earlier, to accommodate the European players...

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Imma try to be there, but you know my timezone. :D


EDIT: BTW my skype is jonas_grooss

like i said to wabuf last week, we should make the event earlier, to accommodate the European players...

Dosent really matter for me. I can stay awake for it ;P

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Should the teams remain constant or should we randomize teams?


Since we have three people capable of recording, they obviously should be team leaders:





The rest of us just file in line after them eh?




What would be cool is if we have a prize pool too.


Like the winner gets something in game or something in real life.

o 3o


If its any consolation, I have a ton of cheap pocket knives I can send to the victors?

Also a lot of metal gun keychains.

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