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(Closed) Varioustoxins *Banned


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Varioustoxins banned for death threats against staff:

varioustoxins [/] logged in with entity id 6147259 at ([world] -2409, 62.0, 937)
 <[+] varioustoxins> come at me bro wabuf come at me
 <[+] varioustoxins> cow= wabuf cow dies
 <[+] varioustoxins> sheep = wabuf sheep dies
 <[+] varioustoxins> die effing sheep
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /wabuf 1 my dad is not gay for you nor anyone else hes married and hes 46 he just wanted to know bec
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /thats where my name comes from btw the protien
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /give thats where my name comes from btw the protien
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /i wabuf 1 my dad is not gay for you nor anyone else hes married and hes 46 he just wanted to know
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /give wabaf my dad is not gay for you nor anyone else hes married and hes 46 he just wanted to know
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /give so im a fing derp i class u as derping there reasing that on utube where u know ill find it
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /give i do keep up to adte with you channle you know so just f off you annoying twerp and yes i fins
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /give i though you were nice i guess not
 <[+] varioustoxins> this was my favourite server ive benn on you reiend it all
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /givethis was my favourite server ive benn on you reiend it all
 [CommandLogger] varioustoxins:  /give this was my favourite server ive benn on you reiend it all
 varioustoxins lost connection: disconnect.quitting
 varioustoxins [/] logged in with entity id 6151982 at ([world] -2385, 63.0, 960)
 <[+] varioustoxins> i effing hate you u
 <[+] varioustoxins> have the contstriant of a teaspoon
 <[+] varioustoxins> think before you speek
 <[+] varioustoxins> i hope you can read this
 <[+] varioustoxins> wabuf in after you
 <[+] varioustoxins> You
 <[+] varioustoxins> You i hate you wabuf and this retche server
 <[+] varioustoxins> You ish :P
 <[+] varioustoxins> Mainly not the server
 varioustoxins lost connection: disconnect.quitting
[INFO] CONSOLE: Banning ip
[INFO] CONSOLE: Banning ip*
[INFO] CONSOLE: Banning ip
[INFO] CONSOLE: Banning varioustoxins
In this rant--to himself mind you, he declares multiple death threats toward staff. He also outlines my random commentary from one of our Ultra Hardcore videos when Mythil and Jonas brought up about Varioustoxins and how odd he is. The question was asked if his father was gay because of his interests in me; just as random, harmless commentary (meaning nothing by it). Regardless the cause, it does not excuse death threats. It is impossible to repeal this ban. It is an absolute and permanent banishment from any and all servers / websites owned by Coaster and myself, both present and future.


All player's structures, regions, references and the like have been removed.


Non-appealable, thread locked (user can no longer access this site, added to master-deny list).



Varioustoxins Various Toxins Minecraft Ban Banned Grief Griefing Death Threat Death-Threat Permanent

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