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(Closed) HeilAdolfHitler *Banned


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I logged in earlier today to see maseface and a newbie on. I told him to register on the forums but ne never did. He read the rules and kept asking me why he could exploit bugs because he thinks it was not stated in the rules. I later followed him when he was chasing umbacano47. To get away umbacano47 dug a deep hole. He started tunneling away and in all of this he was holding shift. The newbie followed his exact path all the way to umbacnao47's endpoint. I have some screenshots that help show his case.


Link: http://imgur.com/2eCMr,cynrP,9M79l,tXso ... RNMS,1mw7N


Ignore some of the first images, I did not realize I put them up with the others.



HeilAdolfHitler Minecraft X-Ray Grief Ban

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Alright yeah, x-ray for sure. He's staring at the ground in every screenshot. xD


Also, people who test the rules like that just to be assholes are a breed all their own. They will never change.


So, banned.

Update: No appeal messages received within the 3-day grace period.

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