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Update the map?


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Anything above 4000 block diameter renders for ~13 hours then crashes, corrupting all previously collected data. Really not something I feel like doing. I've done it several times before and the result is always the same. x[


However, there are a few plugins out there which will run a semi-realtime map feed. Only caveat is the unbearable lag.

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I can definitely try that. I'll be leaving tomorrow for vacation, so I won't be able to try it until I get back. The render process requires an exceptional computer, and my laptop won't cut it. While I'm on vacation though, I will try that live webpage method with plugins. I believe that renders every generated block relatively real-time.

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WTF? Jman, guess where I'm going tomorrow... The Outer Banks, NC! I'll be mobile (have my own vehicle) and around the Rodanthe area for the week. We'll have to see about meeting somewhere if you're relatively close! we'll be renting an ocean kayak for the week, should be fun. 8-)


EDIT: CraftyWalrus will also be coming with us!

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