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:D Video Card Love


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Hi guys


I'm here to tell you of the most amazing video card ever.


http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6814150542


drank found it during a skype chat a week back.




if you are in need of an amazing video card that's cheap get this one.....


works perfectly for minecraft with all the mods you can think of.


Yes it can run Battlefield3


BUT if you're looking tto play all your games on uber ultra mode with fancy graphics and all the crap you can think of.......... NOPE don't use this card go waste 200$ on this one.


http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-Grap ... B004L01QVM


Boom I just got you a 100$ discount


anyhow here are some nice screenshots I took with high gear minecraft with my video card.


Runs perfectly fine with Skyrim and all those goodies but to a fair limit mostly "high" I think...


Screenshots that could be used for a home page :D


http://imgur.com/7TObA,WlZEV#0 - make sure you click on second image on the top left corner :)


I probably should of f1'd on the first one but you get the point



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Good find! If you have the resources, you should get a couple and run Crossfire.


My new laptop's Nvidia 650M can handle all of the above in the screen's max resolution of 3840x2400; Which amounts to over 7 million more pixels than 1080p .. I could fit four 1080p's on it with room to spare. It has 512 MB of DDR5 (graphics) built into the processor and 1 GB DDR5 on the 650M. No problems in Tekkit at max res either. :D

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