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Spoutcraft is only possible with both client and server interaction. You cannot have one without the other. If you installed Spoutcraft and attempted to connect to our server, you would simply not be able to--unless we ran a Spoutcraft-powered server. A lot like Tekkit, actually.

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Uhm actually Wabuf I seem to be able to join anyway and do all spouts features...


However spout doesn't do anything bad just helps you run minecraft a lot easier It can autosort things so if you have an anti cheat plugin that's screaming at me I will never use spout again

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That's only because I have online-mode: off. I have it this way because Minecraft.net has been down here and there for the past several days. All that does is allows people to join without usernames and without being verified through Minecraft.net database. No biggie though, it's still people with [-] have no privilege.

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