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What to Expect in 1.3


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So many changes... @_@

Awesome awesome awesome! I've been thinking of restarting the server maps to just 3, brand new maps. I would leave a cleared, protected area for spawn on each world and just assign titles like 'Main', 'Creative' and 'Hardcore'--plain and simple. This may be just the update to do this on.


Also, since I'm getting tired of configgin' extensive plugins every time there's an update, I might just do simple permissions and employ a whitelist with mandatory full-registration to get on the whitelist.


Just throwing stuff out there to see what sticks. Now ending my rant... xD

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So many changes... @_@

Awesome awesome awesome! I've been thinking of restarting the server maps to just 3, brand new maps. I would leave a cleared, protected area for spawn on each world and just assign titles like 'Main', 'Creative' and 'Hardcore'--plain and simple. This may be just the update to do this on.

Like the idea :3

But what is special about the hardcore?:D

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If this is executed well, this might bring me back as a regular player, which I guess would be fun for all the masses.

Just, keep it neat and clean.

Completely fresh, no world-edit copies or similar things.

Also, something I'd personally love to see happen, is that you would involve the playerbase in building spawn, as in not actually cheating in resources. (Like using creative mode)

Reserve that for bug fixing, or grief refunding.


Also, as Jonas said, what would this hardcore world be, and what makes it stand out from the main world?

What keeps it from getting the same fate as Gargamel, and ending up being probably the least desirable place to be?

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I was thinking of doing this in about a month due to being incredibly busy. But it is something I've already started a world and plugin configuration for--so don't think it's something I'm just saying is going to happen... xD


Another reason for choosing 1.3; It seems like they've added so much that starting over with all the new tools from scratch would be for the best. This gives us all a chance to start fresh with all the new block-types and tools.

In terms of being 100% legitimate (i.e. no recreational use of creative or WE/WG), I think it would be a cool thing to do. This way, we'd all have to work together to cover all of the resource-needs of the community at large. For example, one person would have a wool factory, the next might buy those wools, dye (process) and sell at a profit. Things like this would make the economy very enjoyable to participate in.

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Netherrack is so damn abundant, it's silly.... :lol: Dirt of the Nether. That is, unless they changed something?? EDIT: You may be thinking of Nether Brick--in which case, all you need to do is build railways and minecart chests to transport it. Map size won't be a problem since we'll only have two maps, total.


I would like a similar [legit] setup with Tekkit, but I just need to know what exactly to disable right at the beginning. On our current Tekkit map, Jonas already dug his nails into EE before we got a chance to disable it. I would like to disable it to the point of the items not even showing up in the built-in TMI (unless that's local).

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Whoops, wrong word. Nether brick is what I meant. o 3o

I guess that is true.


I vote that we start on a super mountainy seed, so we our structures will have to flow with the land or maybe start in a jungle. That would be kinda cool IMO. For the last few maps, we deliberately flattened a huge portion of land to build on, so a change of pace would be nice. It'll be pretty cool to have bridges and stuff everywhere along with paths and such with names.

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I would not like a jungle ._.

the reason being mobs on top of mobs eating other mobs I'll get you a really sexy seed ;)

seed: Evil

even though you spawn in the jungle :( you're very close to the end around the spawn there are 3 biomes a total of 4!

grassland :)

desert :(

taiga :o

the taiga is FILLED with cows :P

the jungle has a normal sized ravine

and to the right of the taiga there is a river that wraps around a mini island with a snow biome

DIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS on the mini island if we use this seed

teh taiga is a bit frozen over but doesn't look permanent

and a good 150 blocks of shallow water a swamp appears in the distance right next to the jungle

and after the swamp biome another jungle biome!


Note: The desert biome wraps the back of the jungle biome and the jungle is pretty rectangular (you spawn away from the desert biome)

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We'll still be able to protect our stuffs and whatnot, but there just won't be much of any plugin in excess; That's my hope. I will be looking for a seed including all of those features. Possibly, I'll try using the 'large biome' feature to generate the desired mountainous and jungle features we want, but in abundance. I'll take a look at 'Evil' as well--sounds interesting.

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If we end up getting more regular users as a result of 1.3 I's be willing to go Moderator if you need the extra help.

I mean I pretty much have functioned as a mod in the past when no mods were around. I thing this would also help get my mind of...things.

I'm pretty sure Coaster would be fine with it so I'm pretty much asking Wabuf here.

So yeah that break was short, I'm back.

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Glad to see you back on your feet, Matt! I'd gladly have you moderate and like you said, you pretty much have been moderating this entire time (thanks). Definitely would be nice to have a regular as a Moderator .. xD. Sadly, I won't be back on regularly until fall.


@Violet: Not too much, lol. Things have been pretty slow because all the staff and most of the normal players have been busy all summer. Happens every year, it seems--but this fall should be pretty fun since it'll all likely be (strictly*) legit building. Even for staff, which will make the economy much simpler and hopefully more enjoyable.

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