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Is this possible for this server's future?


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Brink's city.. but we don't have the people for building that, I think. My little terraforming project is almost done, so I was going to start building my castle again. Except larger and quite different :D Hopefully will build a mountain village along the cliff sides and at the bottom near the water. Plots of land..

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Well, Brink's City is slowly being built. We have two subway stations as of now and trying to build the rest.


What I meant is that we all get a small plot of land and we can choose how to build it. We already have a main highway going to Brink's City, so we technically could have a small town on the way there. The map as of now has a lot of blank space, but if we insert world1 into world2, then there would be a lot more buildings.

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if we install the plane mod, then ALL of our members need to have it installed, along with other mods that require client and server modding, so i highly doubt it is in our future, since some people dont want to install mods, or for other reasons cant get them to work


sorry :o

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