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U.H. Team Hunter Types


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Alright I created five classes of hunters for Ultra Hardcore. If you don't think it's balanced, discuss.


This is the list of starting equipment for the hunters.


Alchemist Hunter

- Full Iron Armor

- Iron Sword

- 10 Steaks

- 10 Brewing Stands

- 64 Water Bottles

- 64 Netherwart

- 64 Glowstone Dust

- 64 Redstone Dust

- 64 Fermented Spider Eye

- 64 Magma Cream

- 64 Sugar

- 64 Glistening Melon

- 64 Spider Eye

- 64 Ghast Tear

- 64 Blaze Powder

- 64 Gun Powder


Enchanted Hunter

- Full Iron Armor

- Iron Sword

- Iron Axe

- Bow

- 32 Arrows

- 1 Enchantment Table

- 15 Bookshelves

- 10 Steaks

- 2 Golden Apples

- 5 Stacks of Bottles o' Enchanting


Elite Hunter

- Full Diamond Gear

- Diamond Sword

- Diamond Pickaxe

- Bow

- 64 Arrows

- Flint and Steel

- 10 Steaks

- 2 Golden Apples

- Clock


Breeder Hunter

- Full Leather Armor

- Iron Sword

- 10 Steaks

- 2 Golden Apples

- 3 Tamed Dogs


Trap Master Hunter

- Full Leather Armor

- Iron Sword

- Iron Pickaxe

- Iron Shovel

- Iron Axe

- 10 Steaks

- 2 Golden Apples

- 5 Stacks of Redstone

- 64 String

- 32 Tripwire Hooks

- 64 TNT

- 64 Fire Charge


Let me know if you think there should be changes.

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I don't know about that trapmaster...


However, alchemy hunter is going to be super powerful if he catches you. Two potions of harming II, you're dead. He can also pack potions of speed, so no escaping either. Also, it's kinda hard to fit 64 water bottles in an inventory.


Trapmaster 'might' need more redstone, as well as some sort of lure in his traps.


Elite hunter...diamond armor...we'll see.


Breeder might be the most difficult to defeat, now that I think about it.


Can the hunters make pickaxes and go mining themselves if they felt like it?

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Alchemist and Breeders are powerful the later the game. In a couple of days, the breeder can have up to 10 dogs while the Alchemist will have all the potions ready. While they seem pretty OP, I think they aren't because the Alchemist will have to react accordingly to the scenarios that he will be placed in. If the regular guys just ambush the Alchemist first, he stands no chance.


Should we cut the number of potions of the Alchemist to half the original amount? I mean splash pots will be used really fast.


Yeah, the Trap Master should get some arrows and more redstone. How much more do you think? They can make their own dispensors and bows though. I mean, they have all the string in the world.

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