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Ghost blocks


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So mase and I have noticed blocks being in a "ghost" format. They don't break or drop they just stay there being annoying.




I don't know if that has anything to do with it but I'm thinking packets aren't loading right creating ghost blocks and all that annoying stuff. Dunno just a problem thought I'd share.

Edit: also upon teleporting or logging a get big world chunks where I see every legit ore in the game it's kind of funny as it last mabey 10 seconds :P

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Thanks for sharing. What happens when Orebfuscator alters packets: The data in it's encrypted packet state is altered after the server has already received that the client saw the block (or received packets describing this situation). The packets finally reach the client and appear to be one of the blocks on the 'ObfuscateBlocks' list within the config, server-side. This is only meant to happen when the client is using an x-ray mod; only meant to mask blocks unseen, or 1 block beneath the visible surface. The problem is throughput delay and general Minecraft, lighting-related error.


They are not ghost blocks, they are just not properly rendered and appear as they would if someone was using x-ray to peer through and look at ores.

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Hmm that would be really cool.


dunno just making me glitchy and I'm one of those freaks that want everything to run as smooth as possible but right now the only problem I have is


when mining I see like tnt and stuff

when warping I see blocks [not fake blocks but real ore

some funky ghost blocks


and dunno mases problems but he seems to have it worse than me

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For me, with the obvious hit to the latency from across the globe, it actually isn't that bad, only when using efficiency 4 picks, the blocks around the one I will have mined, would be surrounded by fake goodies, for about a tenth of a second, only rarely has it in the blocks staying that way, but when they DO stick from time to time, a simple F3+A (Re-renders everything) Usually works wonders.


I have taken a slight hit to the FPS after the plug-in was implemented, not a massive one, but something like 200+ to 180, but Jonas has mentioned it would completely shatter his FPS, something like from 60, to 20-30, not sure on specifics of the problem on his end, but he's been complaining about it.

I hardly ever notice it though, unless I drop below 60, which I have yet to do.

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Yeah on the retina, I run it at the normal resolution of 2880x1800 (@ 220ppi) which doesn't really affect framerate. It normally steadies around 85-90 fps in a server environment. At that pixel density, it's equivalent to running four 1080p's. So obviously at 1680x1050 (@ 72ppi) on my desktop, I get 100-300 fps; depending on map environement.

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*facepalm* Seriously guys?.... A simple Google search will reveal a lot of information.


What i already knew:

-One of the lowest frame rates that still has a "smooth" appearance, is 24 FPS (what the average movie uses now-a-days)

-People record in 30 fps because for gaming, it is smoother than 24, and a smaller file than 60 FPS


What i thought was the highest recognized:



What i learned:

-The human eye can distinguish a single frame from a group of 220+ in a single second (basically, if you have a video that is 220 FPS, and all the frames are white, and one is black, you will notice the black one).


Taken from http://amo.net/NT/02-21-01FPS.html :


"The USAF, in testing their pilots for visual response time, used a simple test to see if the pilots could distinguish small changes in light. In their experiment a picture of an aircraft was flashed on a screen in a dark room at 1/220th of a second. Pilots were consistently able to "see" the afterimage as well as identify the aircraft. This simple and specific situation not only proves the ability to perceive 1 image within 1/220 of a second, but the ability to interpret higher FPS."



Human eyes can see more than 220 FPS.

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Wow, way to put in another variable, light. The point is there is no reason to place more than 30 fps AT ALL in the slightest. The point being more then 30 fps is utterly useless if the picture is smooth there is no reason to make it smoother. I wasn't talking about direct fps like that I meant, If you see a movie in whatever amount of fps you will not notice a difference with another movie with more frames per second. Same things goes with 1280, I'm sure whatever super high tech cameras in space can go up to 4000p but that will make little difference between 720 on a computer screen the human eye can't identify pixels on a screen that small


The only reason you would do more than 30 fps is if your moving a stick or fan that would be too difficult to pick up with 30 fps and SLOoooooow Moooootiioooonn

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Gosh, I did say I did no googling!

That's cheating, and I will uphold that idea, by picking my nose with a kitchen knife.

However, I did find it interesting that there was such a big leap from the "smooth" point to the highest density of frames possible to distinguish per second (fuck me, that was tough to phrase)

IMO an interesting read, and something you should read up on, if you have any interest in por- I mean science and shit.

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Most computer monitor resolutions support 1920x1280 @60Hz or 59Hz (refresh rate of 60/59 fps). The resolution doesn't have anything to do with your FPS (except the fact that if you have REALLY high resolution, your graphics card uses more resources to update each image).


(this was more directed at gansta on the previous page)

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