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Well guys I hate to say it but, I am stepping down from my moderator position. My schoolwork is taking up my free time and the time I do have for fun is taken up by stuff that isn't Minecraft. I have put thought into this I am am finally ready to make the step. I won't be gone, I just won't be on hardly any till next summer. You guys are practically my family and that will never change. It has been a long run so I am going to miss you guys. Some days I may be on to mingle but, I have a feeling my Minecraft days are coming to a hault. Farewell everyone and see ya whenever I find time for you.



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IDK if I can do this anymore :( I'm not sure what happened...but I'm just in some way shape or form bored of minecraft :( Don't ask me how or tell me that the only people that can be bored of a game like minecraft is unimaginable folk who are in no way shape or form in any galaxy as creative as yourself. With everyone leaving I may as well play single player. There are 2 main reasons I'm so baffled right now. 1: I miss being a noob! 2: I feel as though this is a large competition :(

I really want to get good at TF2 or maybe SC2 or something of the sorts. I will still be playing...I just don't know anymore


There you have my complete opinion

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Thanks for the farewell and formalities. Bittersweet as they may be, I have a hunch we'll still see you around a bit. ;D


But seriously, please put other responsibilities first. It came to a point back in my college career where I had to choose between gaming (primarily Minecraft) or crucial course assignments... Just do what you need to do with excellence and whatever time you have left over--if any, on social/gaming. You feel much more accomplishment that way.


Good luck out there in academia!

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So after a bit of procrastinating I decided to stay on the server as normal and just quit my project with lars and jonas that would actually make me really comfortable :D But, the second HoTS comes out I'm going to play that for hours straight XD

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That hits right in the feels man. I wish you the best of luck in your school career and that you do well. I hope to see you around, and hopefully to play a game with you once in a while. Let's admit, the Chunk has become a crazy family.


EDIT: Saw the sign Jman put in my house.. Almost bawwed.

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