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Stepping Down as Moderator


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Dear Chunk Republic,


Alright, I've been thinking about this for a while now. Senior year of college is already getting to me. If you guys hadn't noticed, I've lately been more unnecessarily angry and irritated. For that, I apologize. The stress from school and pressure from parents to get into graduate school has been piling up slowly, to a point that I'm losing my cool.


A four month absence coupled with personal pressure has led me believe that I'm no longer fit to be a moderator. I won't be on as much as I would like to be, due to school and due to the fact I don't have access to a computer that can play minecraft (currently borrowing my parent's iPad to do work).


The Chunk Republic is a great server, the best server that I've been on for all my minecraft career. You guys are all awesome and like jman said, like family. I'll be around, but not as often. Next time we meet, I'll just be a regular guy. Until then, good luck, have fun.




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Ditto from my comment on Jman's farewell.


But I'd like to add that you've been an amazing staff member as our event coordinator and festivity-facilitator. You've always brought new ideas and new flavors into the mix, always keeping things interesting.


Whelp, looks like I'll be hiring now! ;P Whoever I choose has some pretty big shoes to fill.

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Sad to see you go too, Miffle. But it's all understandable.. We all have responsibilities and duties that we must attend to. Gaming is a pleasure, and a great one at that. Sometimes there isn't any time for it. I'll miss you, man. Pop in every once and a while, 'kay?

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Nature's first green is gold

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.


My favorite poem ever...of all time

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