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UH #6


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Hey Lazy, if you're not going to be able to make it, please go click the 'No Longer Attending' button. Because if we have less than 6 people, I might call it off. Which would actually be a pretty good thing for me. It would give me a chance to do all the promotions and permissions that need to be done.

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I might call it off then. Going to a football game at my 3PM (one hour after scheduled UHC start).

So I'd only be able to be on for a short time anywho.


I'll go ahead and send out PMs to all people attending. 2-hour notice should be enough.:P

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Ok since it is postponed until next week and seeing i woke up late for today's UH what time will next week's? because i woke up today around the time i did for last week's UH i did check the time on the event page but apperantly i read it wrong so what time will it be so i know for next week. (North American Time Zones would be easier for me to find out what time i should be on)

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How ridiculously stu........

^^scratch that.


There is a TTL (Time To Live) number within all events. It's counting down live. If you're too inept to know your own timezone, simply count down with the time remaining. It is a universal method for everyone to know when the event starts. Is it not enough that I give it out in 4 different timezones? xD Obviously not, because I had to code a crazy automatic unix countdown clock thingy to weed out the stupidity.


(sorry if that was a bit harsh, the countdown thing took me a while to make)

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Well, it should be enough.

Anyone too dumb to do simple math is also too dumb to participate.

Google the timezones if you're having issues, or as Wabuf said, the easiest route count the time to down.

It takes so little of a person, and it amazes me that some still ask for more handholding.

That attitude is the cancer of the internet, games and gaming in particular.

The idea that if you scream and moan and bitch enough, something will be changed.

It is a mindset that is completely disgusting in a person over the age of 12, mind you, as you all should be.

So, please, stop being so god damn entitled.

Or I will shove icicles into your eyes, and force you to eat them. (The eyes, not the icicles)

With love, obviously.


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Thanks Wabuf i guess i forgot about the countdown clock in that way and that's my fault and for what Lars had to say it wasn't appericated because Wabuf already said that and i do not care if you were joking or not ( it is hard to tell with you) you could have said it so that people won't think things about you that i hope you do not act like in real life because i do not apperciate you saying not directly but, i can still feel some of it pointed towards me about being to "dumb" to participate well SORRY hope i hurt your feelings and even if you didn't mean any of that towards me i could feel it seeing what i asked before and if were not allowed to playing for being "dumb" then why did you sign up it was not the smartest idea of you posting that unessisary post after Wabuf, because i already knew what to do and then you come in and in my opinion it was a "dumb" reply to the post so i suggest in the future try not to insult people in your reply's because even if you meant it or not you could start a big argument there is no need to be cheeky after good advice was given before and if i hurt your feelings i am sorry, just trying to give you advice as you gave me.

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