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(Closed) Shinkidude *Un-Whitelisted


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I have un-whitelisted Shinkidude from Tekkit for his endless negativity .. you'll see why below:

shinkidude blew up
shinkidude> no fucking way
shinkidude> I quit
shinkidude> can you send me back?
Wabuf> you can try /ret
Wabuf> to return
shinkidude> nope
Wabuf> only works if you tp'd there to begin with
shinkidude> fuck this game
Wabuf> like a home
shinkidude> i wan o die
Wabuf> lol not that bad...
shinkidude> i hate my life
shinkidude> i had all my stuff
shinkidude> all of it
Wabuf> oh do you have deathpoints turned on?
shinkidude> no
shinkidude> FUCK
Wabuf> agh...
Wabuf> should...
shinkidude> i forgot
Wabuf> hit period and turn them on :(
shinkidude> i have
shinkidude> bu it makes no diference
shinkidude> as im no playing anymore
Wabuf> if you can get back within 5 minutes, you're good xD
shinkidude> deep in a cave
Wabuf> ;[
Wabuf> yeah go cool off, watch some tutorials tomorrow
Wabuf> then come back with a clear head
Wabuf> tekkit should be relaxing
shinkidude> Dont you ge it
shinkidude> Im not playing tekkit anymore
Wabuf> I've lost a lot more than you have xD
shinkidude> Yeah but you have loads of shit
KICKED: Wabuf kicked player 'shinkidude': Kicked!
Wabuf has kicked shinkidude  - Kicked!
Disconnecting shinkidude: You are not white-listed on this server!
He had just started playing Tekkit, just this one session. He didn't have much to lose. Really annoying, bitchy attitude.
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UPDATE: Removal from whitelist is permanent.
Shinkidude is now on his second (final) strike on general TCR Minecraft.

To further explain, we have much less tolerance on our Tekkit server. Once a member is deemed mature and trustworthy, s/he is added to our other gaming server whitelists. Hence, much more is expected of said member. The conversation between myself and Shinkidude spanned several hours and was consistently negative. It is safe to say I clearly interpreted "...im no playing anymore" and "Im not playing tekkit anymore"; no ambiguity there! xD

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