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BBCode Announcement


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I have added a few new BBCodes to make life a little easier here on the forums. I purposely left them off of the buttons panel due to limited space (and it should be formatting for serious posters only).


[*:3fw8l51i]Center Align

This text will be centered.

[c]This text will be centered.[/c]



[*:3fw8l51i]Right Align

This text will be aligned right.

[r]This text will be aligned right.[/r]




This text will have a strike through it.

[s]This text will have a strike through it.[/s]



[*:3fw8l51i]Time To Live

There is exactly [ttl=1356411600][/ttl] until Christmas!

There is exactly [TTL=1356411600][/TTL] until Christmas!

Syntax: [TTL=10-Digit Unix Timestamp][/TTL]
Note: The span ID code only allows for one instance per page!
Also: Google Unix Timestamp Converter to make your Timestamps.
Soon to come:

A "Time Since" BBCode which looks a lot like the code I used on the 'Our Map' page (Updated: x Days Ago).

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