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Donation Announcement


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Since members have shown an increased interest in supporting our community by donation, we've made a really easy way to do so! On our home-page--thechunkrepublic.com, there is now a 'How To Donate' section at the bottom-center of the page. When you click the button, you are taken to PayPal's official payment screen where you can enter a custom amount you wish to donate. If you feel safer using the 'Send Money'-method once logged into your PayPal, our email is: payments@wabuf.com.


All donations go toward server bills which helps us to maintain a healthy, stable community.

Thanks in advance to those choosing to support! It is greatly appreciated. :arrow:

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On our main page: http://thechunkrepublic.com/index.php


Also a new one: /dcport (has to do with teleporting to their defined DeathChest)


And to define a DeathChest write the following on a sign above a chest:

If all goes well, [deathchest] will turn into [DeathChest] and it will give you confirmation in chat.


More stuff at spawn or /warp info as well as our main Plugins topic.


That's about as much hand-holding as we'll ever do. It is up to them to figure out the rest. ;)

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