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Wabuf.com turns 7 on March 6th!


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Haha, yay! I was 17 when we registered the domain, lol.


There will definitely be an update around spring. I'm going to make a simple blog and CMS that will actually be active and receive updates more often. In terms of starting up a forum, I'd like to eventually call this forum home for legacy Wabuf.com members. Only, it will be geared in favor of gaming and support.

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Haha, yay! I was 17 when we registered the domain, lol.


There will definitely be an update around spring. I'm going to make a simple blog and CMS that will actually be active and receive updates more often. In terms of starting up a forum, I'd like to eventually call this forum home for legacy Wabuf.com members. Only, it will be geared in favor of gaming and support.

Sounds good to me.

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well I guess it's time for a AFTER BRITHDAY PARTY


*starts singing*


This is your singing telegram,
I hope it finds you well.
You're invited to a party
'cause we think you're really swell!

wabuf.com's turned seven years old,
So help us celebrate
The cake will be delicious,
The festivities first-rate!

There will be games and dancing,
Bob for apples, cut-a-rug!
And when the party's over
We'll gather 'round for a group hug.

No need to bring a gift,
Being there will be enough...
Birthdays mean having fun with friends,
Not getting lots of stuff.

It won't be the same without you,
So we hope that you say "yes."
So please, oh please, RSVP
And come and be our guest! :D 

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Damn It's been that long. I remember when we(read mostly you guys) first concieved it in computer class.

I'll get back into the groove of reviewing and recommending obscure anime and shit if you don't mind as well, even if I was really the only hardcore anime enthusiast in the bunch(aside from Kordy)


Also I don't know how the hell I missed this post, considering I'm..like a freaking founder. I need to be more observational. :huh:

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Haha yeah, I still have to deliberate a little on how to make the most concise, organized topic layout possible. Where you don't have to go a thousand places just to get to an anime or music section, but can be separate enough for people to participate and follow.


From what I see in this new IPB3 is a medium more focused on the member; a little like Facebook where people have pages, statuses and slightly more in-depth information. This is a great thing for both purposes (Wabuforum: technology / multimedia / networking, and TCR: gaming / networking).

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