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Well, I'm back.

Let me see if I can recap since about Mid-October..

I have had several surgeries and many medical things, of which I will finally be done with on the 28th.

I became an adult, legally.

I moved out.

I traveled around a few states.

I won a small lottery.


I'll have been in a relationship for one year on the 27th.


So, it's good to be back to my online family. Time to sketch out the city and get to work.

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Good to have you back Lief :D 


Was beginning to worry about you for some time there since you weren't on pretty much anything but it's nice to know that everything's going good and seems like things are rolling for you congrats on the end of your medical things in a few days!

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@Zoa: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you. Whew!

@Jonas: Thanks!

@Gansta: It was hot! I'm used to cold weather this time of year, so it felt weird not having my jacket on.

@Wabuf: Thanks for the heads up and the link, I'll make sure to get myself familiar with them.

@Rhino: Yeah, it's good that things are finally coming together. I'm glad to be back.

@Coaster: Oh, I have some pretty big build ideas that I'm sketching out. Just you wait.

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