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Do NOT ask to setup your own server!


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We will not help you setup your own server and we do not tolerate advertising of any server other than The Chunk Republic. If anyone is caught advertising another server, they will be banned instantly. If you ask for help on setting up your own, you will be warned and eventually banned if you continue to ask.



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Crap, that's partially my fault.

Sean had asked about setting up his hibatchi (or whatever) server. I told him I knew nothing about our plugins folder or permissions file and would certainly not give it to him... (especially since he's friends with xUSxASx, the kid who got perma-banned for threatening to hack us). Way too sensitive of information. I told him that I wouldn't even trust our own moderators with those folders.

So I eventually said, ask Coaster when he's around. He said he'd never be on that late (he's GMT). Then I told him to make a post about it and maybe you'd get back.


Just let him off with a warning.

But if he ever asks for our permissions, plugins or group files, I think it's time for the hammer. :|

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